Friday, November 18, 2016

A horse? Of course!

My granddaughter Prentice loves purses and ponies, so why on earth wouldn't I make this for her birthday?

I have a stash of fabric the size of Texas and I'm pretty sure I could have found something there that was cute enough for the project, but when I saw Riley Blake's My Sunshine Paisley, I couldn't say no. It's not my fault that it was perfect for the main purse fabric. The cute pink and orange polka-dot for the purse lining, pony ears and accent heart came from Jo-Ann, as did the fur, trims and yarn for the tail.  

The pattern was simple. There weren't a lot of pieces. The instructions were straightforward and easy to follow. I wish I could remember how long it took from start to finish. I do have a habit of seriously underestimating the time any project is going to take, but sweet Prentice loved it, so that's all that matters. It's a fun project, so if you have a purse and pony lover on your gift list, you should give it a try!

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