Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Fa-La-La-La Fabulous!

If you are decking your own halls or looking for a cute gift for a friend, this whimsical pillow is a fabulous choice.


I bought my pattern at a local quilt store, but it's still available in a couple of Etsy shops. I gave several pillows as gifts last year. They were fun to make and my friends loved them.

The pattern was easy to follow and the pillow is a cute size. I wanted a little bit of texture, so instead of ironing on the boot cuffs, I traced them and turned them to give added dimension, but I think it's cute either way. (Is it just me or does the finished piece remind you of Kermit the Frog?:)

For filler I used Morning Glory Cluster Stuff. It's available at Hobby Lobby, but that's the only place I've seen it locally. It's a little tricky to work with because it's in small pieces, but it's perfect for pillows because it doesn't clump together. It's also perfect for me because I have a tendency to stuff everything as solid as a rock and this stuff(ing) keeps me from doing that.

Whose Christmas wouldn't be fa-la-la-la fabulous with the addition of this darling pillow?

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